Season of Sharing

Share your warmth, joy and love.

Share your light with neighbors in need this holiday season!

Polaroid pictures of a Veteran, families and neighbors

As the months turn colder and the joyous holiday season approaches, there are veterans, kids, and families in your community who are struggling. They are worried about how they will pay for basic necessities to keep warm. They fear they can't afford to celebrate this year. And, veterans are feeling isolated and hopeless.

You can give gifts of warmth and hope this holiday season! You can be a light in the darkness.

Season of Sharing offers an easy way to share warmth with veterans, joy with families, and neighborly love throughout the holiday season. Adopt a wish list, spread the word, and give with your heart!

Share Light In Your Area

Share Your Light

Download the Giving Guide and access our wish lists or donate online.

Join the Season of Sharing so more veterans like Ron and mothers like Amanda, have the tools they need to thrive.

Polaroid photo of Ron, U.S. Army Veteran

β€œI have nothing to complain about. Life is good and I have everything I need. Without VOA, I never would have been able to do this on my own.”

Ron, U.S. Army Veteran

Polaroid photo of Amanda, a mother

β€œIt is such a great feeling knowing that my goals are within my grasp.”

Amanda, Loving Mother