5 Reasons to Donate Your Car in Cleveland

Help Ohio's less fortunate with your auto donation.

You probably know that donating your vehicle in Ohio is a quick way to save some money – but did you know that your giving supports critical programs for underprivileged families and individuals in Cleveland? Whether you're searching for the fastest donation option, looking to help Ohio's homeless or just trying to save money on advertising, we have our top five reasons to donate your car in Cleveland.

  1. It's quick and easy. We know your time is precious, so we’ve made donating your car in Cleveland as painless as possible. Just pop over to our short auto donation form to give online. We’ll also go a step further and help you obtain a duplicate title if you’ve lost yours. What if your car no longer runs or you can’t drop it off in person? We even offer free, same-day towing for your donation. Don’t forget, we’ll accept virtually anything with a motor even if it doesn’t run.
  2. Support Volunteers of America programs and services in Cleveland. At the end of the day, everything we do is to help those who can’t help themselves. Those who take advantage of our programs and services are the sole reason we do what we do­ ndash; and you can be a part of that when you donate your car in Cleveland. You can give a veteran a chance to learn employable skills, you can help a homeless family find stable housing and you can give a homeless child the chance to succeed.
  3. Volunteers of America helps your neighbors – unlike mass auto clearing houses. When you take advantage of Ohio car donation, you skip the middleman who often takes a cut (sometimes as much as 50 percent) of the profits before the charity ever sees a dime. With Volunteers of America, you can be sure that all of the proceeds from you auto donation go directly to funding the programs you care about.
  4. Help protect the environment. Cars donated to Volunteers of America that don’t run can be sold to scrap yards and auto recycling centers that can then recycle and sell steel and other car parts. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, it takes about 74 percent less energy to use recycled steel than to manufacture it. In a year, the steel industry saves the equivalent energy to electrically power about 18 million households for that same amount of time.
  5. Save money on advertising to sell your car. Let’s face it – selling your car can be a hassle. There’s the cost of advertising, the cost of cleaning, the time to show it to and negotiate with multiple parties. Save yourself time and money when you donate your car in Cleveland. You could even receive more for your vehicle on your tax return as a charitable donation than you would selling it on your own.

If you’d like more information on Cleveland car donation, visit our FAQ page or give us a call at 440-232-9300 to donate over the phone.