Donate your car and help rehabilitate ex-offenders in Ohio

If you have an unused or unwanted car, your decision to donate your car to Volunteers of America of Greater Ohio can go a long way to support our programs. Even if your car doesn't run any more, it can still help make Ohio a better place.

About our Residential Reentry program

America's booming prison population has become an issue of concern, as the U.S. easily ranks #1 in the world in total number of prisoners. One contributing factor to this is the number of people who relapse into criminal behavior after release and end up back in prison, also known as "recidivism."

Recent reports on Ohio's recidivism rate indicates 27.1 percent of released ex-offenders will end up back in prison. While this is much lower than the national average of about 40 percent, there's still much room for improvement. That's where your car donation comes in.

How Volunteers of America of Greater Ohio helps ex-offenders break the cycle

Maud Booth, co-founder of Volunteers of America, was a key figure in the prison reform movement. She opened and operated the first "halfway houses" in the country in the late 1800s. These houses remain an important step in helping ex-offenders become productive members of society once again.

Our program of Residential Reentry takes a big-picture approach in giving ex-offenders the tools they need to stay on the right path. Here are some of the services it includes:

  • Intensive case management
  • Group and individual counseling
  • Substance abuse counseling
  • Job-readiness
  • Skill development
  • Referrals to community resources

The programs helps ex-offenders adjust to their new life and obtain the skills needed to become productive members of their community.

How we identify the ex-offenders who can benefit the most

Our program serves more than 1,900 ex-offenders each year, with community corrections programs operating in Cincinnati, Dayton, Mansfield and Toledo.

The recently incarcerated individuals admitted to our program are referred by the Bureau of Community Sanctions, county probation offices, the Adult Parole Authority or local courts, but we ultimately decide whether or not we accept referrals to our program to ensure that we can help those most likely to benefit.

Potential clients are evaluated based on:

●Type and severity of offenses

●Treatment needs

●Compliance with treatment while incarcerated

●Mental health and level of functioning

When an individual is accepted into our system, we assign a case manager who creates a program specific to the ex-offender's needs. Residents are continually assessed throughout the program to ensure that they are making positive steps toward making the transition home and becoming productive members of society again.

This leads to success stories like Anthony's. He was facing a prison sentence at 56 years old, but through the help of our program, he's making positive strides in his post-incarceration life.

"Volunteers of America gave me the advantages to do what I need to do and be what I need to be," said Anthony. "They have given me nothing but respect since the beginning."

How you can donate your car in Ohio and help a recovering prisoner

One simple and effective way to support our overall efforts at Volunteers of America is car donation.

If you have an unused or unwanted car, truck, RV, pretty much anything with an engine, your donation can go a long way toward changing the lives of those trying to transition into life after incarceration.

Even if the car is no longer in working shape, your donation can help. We can even arrange same-day towing so you can get rid of an unwanted eyesore … and feel good about helping others.

Just think: You get to skip all the hassle of trying to sell your car, and you potentially could get a greater value for your car as a tax-deductible charitable donation than you would selling it in the first place. That's a win-win.

Ready to donate your car in Ohio?

If you're ready to donate your car in Ohio, you can get started by filling out our online form today. You can also bring the clear title to 5640 W. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43228. Or call us at (800) 862-6030 to donate your car in Ohio over the phone.