Random Acts of Kindness Start with a Car Donation

Every year, the world takes one week to dedicate to kindness. During Random Acts of Kindness week, we all look for ways to be kinder, more thoughtful and more intentional with one another. This year, you don't have to wait for the perfect opportunity to start spreading love. Donating your car is an easy, tangible way to touch someone's life with kindness today. By donating your car, you offer kindness to one of the communities most in need, the homeless.

Donating Your Car Helps Homeless Veterans

In particular, veterans are particular vulnerable to homelessness. Due to factors, such as traumatic brain injuries and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, veterans often struggle to adapt to life after combat.

Volunteers of America provides services and support to veterans such as housing, job-readiness training, and access to treatment. You car donation goes a long way in helping fund programs that change lives and equip veterans to integrate fully back into community and supportive networks.

Donating Your Car Helps Homeless Children and Families

No child should ever have to spend their lives on the street. Yet, every year, thousands of children suffer the fate of homelessness. Chronic displacement makes youth especially prone to hunger, development problems, abuse, and sexual exploitation.

Perhaps even more unsettling is that homeless families are typically the devastating effect of factors outside of an individual's control. The National Alliance to End Homelessness explains that homeless families " are usually headed by a single woman with limited education, are usually young, and have high rates of domestic violence and mental illness." Without intervention, this becomes a vicious cycle.

Volunteers of America offers an essential piece of the solution by supporting homeless children and families in their Youth Education Center, and by offering employment training as well as housing to families in need. Your car donation directly helps give children and families a fighting chance.

Copyright: zinkevych / 123RF Stock Photo

Being Kind is actually Good for You

Being kind not only feels good, but it also can benefit your health. The Huffington Post recently shared a study showing that kindness has positive effects on the brain and can actually help you live longer. Acts of selfless giving can improve mood and help inspire others to be kinder themselves. Donating your car not only benefits others, but it rejuvenates you too.

Feeling Kind? Donate Your Car Today

Just a tiny bit of kindness goes a long way in changing someone's life. If you're ready to extend a little love this year, simply give us a call at (800)-862-6030 or fill out the car donation form. We offer a free, same-day tow to make the process even easier. Give kindness away and donate your car today.