Thrift FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Thrift Store Shopping

What can I expect to find at my local thrift store?

What payment methods are accepted?

Can I return or exchange an item?

Will you place this item on hold for me?

If this item doesn’t have a price on it, can I still buy it?

Can I barter with you on the price?

Are there any discounts?

Do you have fitting rooms?

When is the 50% off sale?

Where do the proceeds go?

Why are items sorted by color?

How many new items are added daily?

Can I shop with my children?

What are the weekly sale tag colors?

At home, how can I remove the price marked in grease pencil?

Can I purchase items online?

Can I purchase a gift card?

Before buying an electronic, can I test it out?

How can I stay up to date on the latest thrifting tips and upcoming sales?

What can I expect to find at my local thrift store?

Cool clothing, fun accessories, great housewares, and more. You can find gently used pieces from high-end designers or framed prints and originals from beloved artists. (Check out this story about a Columbus, Ohio thrifter who found an original Picasso at one of our locations). But you can also find the basics and staples you need for your everyday on the racks and shelves in any of our stores. You'll love the price, and you'll be happy to know it's going to a good cause.

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What payment methods are accepted?

We accept cash, Mastercard, Visa, Discover and debit cards. We do not accept American Express or checks.

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Can I return or exchange an item?

No, unfortunately, we are not able to accept any returned items or exchanges of any kind. All sales are final.

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Can you help me take furniture out to my car?

Unfortunately, store employees are not able to assist customers with transporting, loading, unloading or securing furniture, for liability reasons. Employees can help take your purchase out of the store to your vehicle, but are not able to assist with loading.

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Will you place this item on hold for me?

Unpurchased items can be held for up to 45 minutes, giving you time to shop and to make arrangements to pick up the item. Due to space limitations inside our stores, we have a policy to not reserve or hold any items longer than 45 minutes. Purchased furniture must be taken out of the store at the time of purchase. We do not offer layaways.

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If this item doesn’t have a price on it, can I still buy it?

No, we are not able to sell items that do not have prices marked or if the price has been altered. Untagged items cannot be sold, they must go back through the production process and be repriced. If our production teams are working this will take about 20 minutes. If production crews are off, it will be repriced the next production day. You can ask an employee whether it is a production day.

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Can I barter with you on the price?

Our policy is to not negotiate on pricing. Approximately 80% of the sales floor is $2.99 and under. If an item does not sell at the price marked it will go on sale at 25%, 50% and 75% off over the next 3 weeks.

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Are there any discounts?

On Mondays, veterans, military members and Golden Buckeyes card holders can save 10% on all items except sale tag items. You must present a valid Golden Buckeye card or Military ID card to the cashier. Plus, on the Last Tuesday of each month, all donated items in each of our thrift stores are half off. Every day we have three different sale tags- 25% off, 50% off and 75% off. Every Monday a new color is put in place.

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Do you have fitting rooms?

Yes, our stores do have fitting rooms.

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When is the 50% off sale?

On the Last Tuesday of the month, EVERYTHING in each of our thrift stores is 50% off.

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Where do the proceeds go?

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization where every dollar you spend goes to help serve people and communities in need. The proceeds of all thrift donations and purchases go toward our programs throughout Ohio and Indiana. We provide housing for the homeless, veteran housing assistance, mental health treatment, residential reentry services for ex-offenders , and community enrichment programs like food pantries. We give thrift store vouchers to the homeless individuals, families and veterans in our programs so they can buy clothes and household items at no cost.

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Why are items sorted by color?

The reason for sorting items by color is due to sizing differences among clothing stores and many clothing items no longer having a size tag. Due to the sheer volume of new pieces we add weekly at each thrift store, sorting by color remains the most efficient and customer-focused process.

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How many new items are added daily?

Over 40,000 new items are put out on the sales floor each week, at each location. There’s something new each time you stop by!

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Can I shop with my children?

Yes, it is our policy that all children remain with a parent or guardian at all times. This is for the safety of your children as well as the convenience of our other shoppers. Please do not leave children unattended in shopping carts.

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What are the weekly sale tag colors?

At the front of the store, there will be a sign that specifies which sale tags colors are on sale that week. Each week a different sale tag color is 25%, 50% or 75% off. You will find these tags throughout the store including the jewelry and showcase department located at the front of the store.

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At home, how can I remove the price marked in grease pencil?

In most case the grease pencil pricing will simply rub right off. You can remove the markings by using nail polish remover, Goo Gone, rubbing alcohol or WD-40. Please use caution when using acetone on painted surfaces.

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Can I purchase items online?

Since many neat items come and go, we can only sell merchandise in our stores. This ensures you are able to find many great items every time you shop our stores. Nothing is held back.

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Can I purchase a gift card?

At this time, we do not offer gift cards or gift certificates.

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Before buying an electronic, can I test it out?

Yes, you are welcome to borrow an electrical outlet in the store to test the item. Before each electronic goes out on the sales floor, we test them for power only.

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How can I stay up to date on the latest thrifting tips and upcoming sales?

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, or join the monthly mailing list .

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Please feel free to email us directly at with additional questions.